Services for Travelers


We have selected for you a variety of services that can be helpful to either plan your stay or make things easier once you are here.


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Need help bringing your luggage from the airport? Or maybe a place to store it for a short time? We get you covered! The following services are the solution.

* DISCLAIMER: These are recommended products and services that are not sold nor provided directly by ForeverBarcelona, but by third parties we trust. We might get a small commission for your purchase that will allow us to continue providing great content to you, but that doesn’t affect in any way the price you’ll be paying (on the contrary, we often link to sites with special offers!).


Are you arriving on a car and need parking? Do you want to rent a bike? Or maybe someone in your group needs a wheelchair or scooter? Do you dream of piloting your own boat? Or just need some public transportation tickets? Here you’ll find multiple options to cover all your transportation needs:

* DISCLAIMER: These are recommended products and services that are not sold nor provided directly by ForeverBarcelona, but by third parties we trust. We might get a small commission for your purchase that will allow us to continue providing great content to you, but that doesn’t affect in any way the price you’ll be paying (on the contrary, we often link to sites with special offers!).


Everything you need to plan your trip or to keep planning it once you arrive.

* DISCLAIMER: These are recommended products and services that are not sold nor provided directly by ForeverBarcelona, but by third parties we trust. We might get a small commission for your purchase that will allow us to continue providing great content to you, but that doesn’t affect in any way the price you’ll be paying (on the contrary, we often link to sites with special offers!).


Traveling with babies or toddlers can be tricky. These services can make things easier for you:

* DISCLAIMER: These are recommended products and services that are not sold nor provided directly by ForeverBarcelona, but by third parties we trust. We might get a small commission for your purchase that will allow us to continue providing great content to you, but that doesn’t affect in any way the price you’ll be paying (on the contrary, we often link to sites with special offers!).

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